Your First Session

FOR ADULTS: In our first meeting we will talk about your goals, your history, and we’ll get to know each other a little. If you’d like to fill out the Personal History for Adults form before coming in that is helpful, but not necessary. We’ll also fill out the Information and Consent form  which has important details about the nuts and bolts of therapy – session length, payment, cancellation – as well as your rights as a client, and a description of the process of therapy. I encourage you to read it in advance and ask questions. I look forward to meeting you and assisting in your growth.

FOR PARENTS OF TEENS: In our first meeting I work closely with parents to learn what is going on in the family and when it started. During the first meeting we’ll spend some time alone talking about what’s going on, and we’ll spend some time together with your teenager, and then I’ll spend some time alone with your teenager. You may choose to fill out the Personal History For Parents of Teens before coming in.  We’ll also fill out the Information and Consent form which has important details about the nuts and bolts of therapy – session length, payment, cancellation – as well as your rights as a client, and a description of the process of therapy. I encourage you to read it in advance and ask questions.

FOR TEENS: You may want to come to counseling. Or your parents might be making you come. Either way, I hope to help you however I can. If you like, you can complete my Personal History for Teens form – note that this is different than the form above which I ask parents to fill out. You don’t have to show the completed form to your parents. Just bring it to me and we’ll talk about it.

Contact me today to set up a free 20 minute phone call.